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Though we are always ready to litigate when it becomes necessary, we believe that alternate dispute resolutions such as mediation can be extremely helpful in most areas of family law. While it is not always successful, mediation can assist parties in reaching agreements with respect to issues pertaining to the division of assets and debts, and those related to your children, among others. It is beneficial for temporary issues and in seeking a more permanent resolution.

Mediation is cost-effective, but more importantly, it provides the parties with a manner in which they can fashion their own resolution as opposed to being told how the matter will be resolved by a judge. And, it allows that to occur in a neutral setting without the foul feelings that come with litigation.

The attorneys at Osborne Family Law PLLC have mediated hundreds upon hundreds of cases over the years in divorce matters, post-divorce matters, and other areas of family law including but not limited to grandparent visitation and child support.

Additionally, Crystal L. Osborne is a certified mediator who can assist in resolving matters in that role.

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