Before joining Osborne Family Law in January 2021, Eileen was a partner at Stoll Keenon Ogden in Lexington, Kentucky where she practiced family law and civil litigation for 39 years. Eileen is a graduate of Transylvania University and University of Kentucky’s College of Law. She has likewise received additional training and certification as a mediator by the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts and Harvard Law School.

Eileen M. O’Brien
Throughout her career, Eileen has served the bar in many capacities including as past chair of the KBA Family Law practice section, board member and past president of the Kentucky Bar Foundation, member of the KBA Board of Bar Governors from 2014 through 2020, member of the Board of Legal Aid of the Bluegrass Pro Bono Board, member of KYLAP Commission board of directors and volunteer KYLAP counselor, former member of ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs from 2011 through 2014, and member of Bench & Bar editorial board.
In addition to her commitment to her practice, Eileen finds great joy in her service to the community, serving as a current board member and the immediate past President of both the Chrysalis House, Inc. and Girl Scouts Wilderness Road Council. She is likewise a current advisory board member and past President of Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning. From 2013 through 2020, Eileen also served as a member of the board of Kentucky Nonprofit Network.